
Week 2: Intermediate Go Topics – Maps, Error Handling & Concurrency

Week 2: Intermediate Topics (Days 8–14)

Focus: Deepen your understanding of Go with advanced data structures, error handling, and concurrency basics.

Day 8: Maps and Range

1. Working with Maps

Maps in Go store key-value pairs. You can create a map using the make function or a map literal.

  • Create a map:
  m := make(map[string]int)
  m["age"] = 30
  m["height"] = 180
  • Iterate over a map:
  for key, value := range m {
      fmt.Println(key, value)
  • Output:
  age 30
  height 180
  • Delete a map entry:
  delete(m, "age")

Day 9: Error Handling

1. Go Error Interface

Go’s error handling uses an error type. Functions that might return errors usually have this type as a return value.

  • Returning an error:
  package main

  import (

  func checkAge(age int) (string, error) {
      if age < 18 {
          return "", errors.New("age is too low")
      return "You are an adult", nil

  func main() {
      result, err := checkAge(15)
      if err != nil {
      } else {
  • Output:
  age is too low

Day 10: Variadic Functions and Defer

1. Variadic Functions

Go allows functions to accept a variable number of arguments using ... syntax.

  • Example:
  package main

  import "fmt"

  func sum(nums ...int) int {
      total := 0
      for _, num := range nums {
          total += num
      return total

  func main() {
      fmt.Println(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
  • Output:

2. Defer

The defer keyword delays the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns.

  • Example:
  package main

  import "fmt"

  func example() {
      defer fmt.Println("Deferred!")
      fmt.Println("Executing function")

  func main() {
  • Output:
  Executing function

Day 11: Interfaces and Polymorphism

1. Interfaces in Go

An interface in Go is a collection of method signatures. A type implements an interface by providing definitions for these methods.

  • Example:
  package main

  import "fmt"

  type Speaker interface {
      Speak() string

  type Person struct {
      name string

  func (p Person) Speak() string {
      return "Hello, my name is " + p.name

  func main() {
      var s Speaker = Person{name: "John"}
  • Output:
  Hello, my name is John

Day 12: Goroutines and Concurrency (Intro)

1. Understanding Goroutines

Goroutines allow you to run functions concurrently. They are lightweight and managed by Go’s runtime.

  • Example:
  package main

  import "fmt"

  func sayHello() {
      fmt.Println("Hello, Goroutine!")

  func main() {
      go sayHello() // This runs in a separate goroutine
      fmt.Println("Main function")
  • Output:
  Main function
  Hello, Goroutine!

(Note: The order may vary since goroutines run concurrently.)

Day 13: Channels and Synchronization

1. Understanding Channels

Channels allow communication between goroutines. You can send and receive values via channels.

  • Example:
  package main

  import "fmt"

  func greet(ch chan string) {
      ch <- "Hello, Go!"

  func main() {
      ch := make(chan string)
      go greet(ch)
      message := <-ch
  • Output:
  Hello, Go!

2. Channel Operations

  • Sending data to a channel: ch <- value
  • Receiving data from a channel: value := <- ch

Day 14: Select and Wait Groups

1. Select Statement

The select statement allows you to wait on multiple channel operations.

  • Example:
  package main

  import "fmt"

  func sendMessage(ch chan string) {
      ch <- "Hello, Channel!"

  func main() {
      ch := make(chan string)
      go sendMessage(ch)

      select {
      case msg := <-ch:
  • Output:
  Hello, Channel!

2. Wait Groups for Synchronization

sync.WaitGroup is used to wait for a collection of goroutines to finish executing.

  • Example:
  package main

  import (

  func task(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
      fmt.Println("Task started")

  func main() {
      var wg sync.WaitGroup
      go task(&wg)
      wg.Wait() // Wait until the task is done
      fmt.Println("Task completed")
  • Output:
  Task started
  Task completed

By the end of Week 2, you will have covered important Go concepts such as error handling, variadic functions, interfaces, goroutines, channels, and synchronization. These intermediate topics will give you the tools needed to write efficient and concurrent Go programs.

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