Building A Rest Api With Rust And Axum Framework

Master Rust Concurrency, Traits, and More

Week 3: Master Rust Concurrency, Traits, and More (Days 15–21)

In Week 3, we will dive into more advanced Rust topics including concurrency, custom traits, and error handling. These concepts will take your Rust programming skills to the next level, enabling you to handle parallel programming and develop more efficient, reliable software.

Day 15: Advanced Concurrency Patterns

  • Concurrency in Rust: Rust provides powerful concurrency features to help you write safe, efficient programs. In this session, we will focus on advanced concurrency patterns such as worker pools and the fan-out/fan-in model.
  • Worker Pools: Learn how to create multiple worker threads to handle tasks concurrently, distributing the workload efficiently. Example: use std::thread; fn main() { let pool_size = 4; let tasks = vec![1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut handles = vec![];for task in tasks { let handle = thread::spawn(move || { println!("Processing task: {}", task); }); handles.push(handle); } for handle in handles { handle.join().unwrap(); }}
  • Fan-Out/Fan-In Pattern: Learn how to use this pattern to send data to multiple workers and then collect the results in a central thread.

Day 16: Traits and Trait Bounds

  • What Are Traits in Rust? Traits define functionality that types must implement. You can think of traits as interfaces or abstract classes in other languages. They allow you to define shared behavior across different types. Example:
  trait Summary {
      fn summarize(&self) -> String;

  struct NewsArticle {
      headline: String,
      content: String,

  impl Summary for NewsArticle {
      fn summarize(&self) -> String {
          format!("{}, by Anonymous", self.headline)

  fn main() {
      let article = NewsArticle {
          headline: String::from("Rust is Awesome"),
          content: String::from("Rust programming language grows in popularity..."),
      println!("{}", article.summarize());
  • Trait Bounds: Learn how to define and use trait bounds to ensure that certain traits are implemented for the types used in your functions. Example: fn notify<T: Summary>(item: T) { println!("Breaking news: {}", item.summarize()); }

Day 17: Error Handling with Custom Types

  • Handling Errors in Rust: In Rust, error handling is done through Result and Option types. Learn how to create custom error types by implementing the std::fmt::Debug and std::fmt::Display traits. Example:
  use std::fmt;

  enum MyError {

  impl fmt::Display for MyError {
      fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
          match *self {
              MyError::NotFound => write!(f, "Resource not found"),
              MyError::Unauthorized => write!(f, "Unauthorized access"),

  fn check_access(user_role: &str) -> Result<(), MyError> {
      if user_role == "admin" {
      } else {

Day 18: Testing in Rust

  • Unit Testing in Rust: Rust has built-in support for unit testing with the #[test] attribute. Learn how to write and run tests to verify that your functions behave as expected. Example:
  mod tests {
      use super::*;

      fn test_addition() {
          assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);

      fn test_check_access() {
  • Test Coverage and Debugging: Learn how to use testing frameworks to handle edge cases and debugging tools to inspect your code during tests.

Day 19: Using Channels for Communication

  • Channels in Rust: Channels are used to communicate between threads in Rust. Learn how to create and use channels to send and receive messages between threads. Example:
  use std::sync::mpsc;
  use std::thread;

  fn main() {
      let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();

      thread::spawn(move || {
          tx.send("Hello from the thread").unwrap();

      let message = rx.recv().unwrap();
      println!("{}", message);
  • Channel Operations: Learn about the different channel operations like send(), recv(), and how to handle multiple consumers or workers communicating through a channel.

Day 20: More on Concurrency – Mutexes and Atomic Types

  • Mutexes in Rust: Mutexes are used to ensure that only one thread can access a resource at a time. Learn how to use Mutex<T> to protect shared data. Example:
  use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
  use std::thread;

  fn main() {
      let counter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

      let mut handles = vec![];

      for _ in 0..10 {
          let counter = Arc::clone(&counter);

          let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
              let mut num = counter.lock().unwrap();
              *num += 1;


      for handle in handles {

      println!("Result: {}", *counter.lock().unwrap());
  • Atomic Types: Learn about atomic operations and the std::sync::atomic module for safely handling data across threads without locks.

Day 21: Memory Management in Rust

  • Ownership and Borrowing Review: Review ownership, borrowing, and references in Rust. These concepts ensure that memory is safely managed in concurrent applications.
  • Borrow Checker: Understand how Rust’s borrow checker prevents data races at compile time, making concurrency safe.
  • Shared Borrowing: Learn how to manage references with multiple readers and a single writer using RefCell and RwLock.


Week 3 introduces advanced Rust topics like concurrency, traits, and error handling. Understanding and mastering these concepts will prepare you for building highly efficient and safe applications. As you learn about concurrency patterns, custom traits, and channels, you’ll be able to handle multiple threads, build modular code with shared behavior, and manage errors more effectively.

Next Week: Final Rust Project

In Week 4, we’ll bring everything together by building a full project. You’ll apply the advanced Rust concepts you’ve learned to create a real-world application. Keep practicing, and don’t forget to push your code to GitHub for feedback!

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