
Guide to Creating a REST API with Ubiquity PHP Connected to PostgreSQL

This guide will walk you through creating a REST API using Ubiquity PHP, connected to a PostgreSQL database. We will cover the following operations:

  1. Querying all data in the users table (fields: username and email).
  2. Updating the email based on username.
  3. Deleting data based on username.

1. Install Ubiquity PHP

Start by installing Ubiquity using Composer:

composer create-project phpmv/ubiquity-project my-project
cd my-project

You can also install the development tools if you want to use Ubiquity Devtools:

composer require phpmv/ubiquity-devtools

2. Configure PostgreSQL Connection

Configure the database connection by editing the app/config/config.php file. Replace the default configuration with your PostgreSQL credentials:

return array(

3. Generate the User Model

Use Ubiquity’s devtools to generate the model for the users table:

php vendor/bin/Ubiquity init-db
php vendor/bin/Ubiquity models:create users

This will generate a User model in the models folder.

4. Create the REST API Controller

Create a controller to handle the API endpoints. You can do this manually or by using Ubiquity Devtools:

php vendor/bin/Ubiquity controller rest UserController -r

This will generate a controller with basic REST actions. Modify the UserController.php to include specific actions for querying, updating, and deleting users.

Edit the UserController.php in the app/controllers directory:

namespace controllers;

use Ubiquity\controllers\rest\RestController;
use models\User;
use Ubiquity\orm\DAO;

class UserController extends RestController {

    // 1. Query all data in the users table
     * @route("users", "methods"=>["get"])
    public function index() {
        $users = DAO::getAll(User::class, '1=1', false, ['username', 'email']);
        echo $this->_getResponseFormatter()->get($users);

    // 2. Update email based on username
     * @route("users/update/{username}", "methods"=>["post"])
    public function updateEmail($username) {
        $user = DAO::getOne(User::class, 'username = ?', false, [$username]);
            $email = $this->request->get('email');
            if ($email) {
                    echo $this->_getResponseFormatter()->formatMessage('Email updated successfully');
            } else {
                echo $this->_getResponseFormatter()->formatMessage('Email is required', false);
        } else {
            echo $this->_getResponseFormatter()->formatMessage('User not found', false);

    // 3. Delete data based on username
     * @route("users/delete/{username}", "methods"=>["delete"])
    public function deleteUser($username) {
        $user = DAO::getOne(User::class, 'username = ?', false, [$username]);
                echo $this->_getResponseFormatter()->formatMessage('User deleted successfully');
        } else {
            echo $this->_getResponseFormatter()->formatMessage('User not found', false);

5. Define Routes

The routes are defined directly in the controller using annotations, as seen above with @route.

6. Run the Application

You can start the server using the built-in PHP server:

php -S -t public/

Or by using Ubiquity Devtools:

php vendor/bin/Ubiquity serve

7. Test the API

  • Query all users: Send a GET request to http://localhost:8090/users.
  • Update email: Send a POST request to http://localhost:8090/users/update/{username} with the following JSON body:
    "email": "[email protected]"
  • Delete user: Send a DELETE request to http://localhost:8090/users/delete/{username}.

This setup provides a basic REST API using Ubiquity PHP connected to PostgreSQL. You can expand the functionality as needed for your project.

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