Clickhouse Vs Apache Druid 1

ClickHouse DB vs Apache Druid: A Performance Comparison

ClickHouse DB vs Apache Druid: A Performance Comparison

In this case, I will be comparing ClickHouse DB and Apache Druid, two popular columnar databases designed for real-time analytics.

ClickHouse DB is a high-performance, open-source analytical database that is known for its speed and scalability. It is based on a columnar storage format and uses vectorized execution to achieve high performance. ClickHouse DB is also highly scalable and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.

Apache Druid is another popular open-source columnar database that is designed for real-time analytics. It is also based on a columnar storage format and uses vectorized execution to achieve high performance. Apache Druid is also highly scalable and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.

ClickHouse DB vs Apache Druid: Key Differences

FeatureClickHouse DBApache Druid
Storage formatColumnarColumnar
Execution engineVectorizedVectorized
ScalabilityHighly scalableHighly scalable
DeploymentOn-premises or cloudOn-premises or cloud
Real-time ingestionYesYes
Complex queriesYesLimited
Join supportYesLimited
Data warehousingNot idealNot ideal

ClickHouse DB Advantages

  • Superior performance for complex queries: ClickHouse DB is known for its ability to handle complex queries with high performance. This is due to its columnar storage format, vectorized execution engine, and advanced query optimization techniques.
  • Strong join support: ClickHouse DB has strong join support, which makes it a good choice for applications that need to join data from multiple tables.
  • Suitable for data warehousing: ClickHouse DB can be used as a data warehouse, in addition to its real-time analytics capabilities.

Apache Druid Advantages

  • Real-time ingestion: Apache Druid is well-suited for real-time ingestion of streaming data. It can ingest data from a variety of sources, including Kafka, Kinesis, and Flume.
  • Low latency queries: Apache Druid is designed for low latency queries, which makes it a good choice for applications that need to respond to queries quickly.

ClickHouse DB Use Cases

  • Real-time analytics: ClickHouse DB is a good choice for real-time analytics applications that need to process and analyze large amounts of data in real time.
  • Ad hoc analytics: ClickHouse DB is also a good choice for ad hoc analytics applications that need to run complex queries on large datasets.
  • Data warehousing: ClickHouse DB can be used as a data warehouse to store and analyze large amounts of historical data.

Apache Druid Use Cases

  • Real-time monitoring: Apache Druid is a good choice for real-time monitoring applications that need to track and analyze metrics in real time.
  • Fraud detection: Apache Druid can also be used for fraud detection applications that need to identify and investigate suspicious activity in real time.
  • Clickstream analytics: Apache Druid is a good choice for clickstream analytics applications that need to analyze user behavior on websites and applications.

Benchmark results

Query: SELECT RegionID, SUM(AdvEngineID), COUNT(*) AS c, AVG(ResolutionWidth), COUNT(DISTINCT UserID) FROM hits GROUP BY RegionID ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;

Clickhouse Vs Apache Druid 1

Query: SELECT UserID FROM hits WHERE UserID = 435090932899640449;

Clickhouse Vs Apache Druid 2

Query : SELECT SearchEngineID, ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(IsRefresh), AVG(ResolutionWidth) FROM hits WHERE SearchPhrase <> ” GROUP BY SearchEngineID, ClientIP ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;

Clickhouse Vs Apache Druid 3

Query : SELECT WatchID, ClientIP, COUNT(*) AS c, SUM(IsRefresh), AVG(ResolutionWidth) FROM hits GROUP BY WatchID, ClientIP ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10;

Clickhouse Vs Apache Druid 4


Both ClickHouse DB and Apache Druid are powerful columnar databases that are designed for real-time analytics. However, ClickHouse DB has a number of advantages over Apache Druid, including superior performance for complex queries, strong join support, and suitability for data warehousing. As a result, ClickHouse DB is a more versatile database that can be used for a wider range of applications.


If you are looking for a high-performance, versatile database that can handle complex queries and join operations, then ClickHouse DB is a great option. However, if you need a database that is specifically designed for real-time ingestion and low latency queries, then Apache Druid may be a better choice.

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