Building A Rest Api With Rust And Axum Framework

Building a REST API with Rust and Axum Framework

This guide will walk you through creating a simple REST API using Rust and the Axum framework. The API will have two endpoints:

  • GET /api/getUserData: Retrieves user data from the users table based on the provided user_id parameter.
  • POST /api/updateUser: Updates user data in the users table based on the provided user_id, fullname, and email parameters.


  • Rust installed
  • Basic understanding of Rust programming
  • Familiarity with REST API concepts


  1. Create a Rust project:
   cargo new axum_api
  1. Install Axum and dependencies:
   cargo add axum axum-server --version ^0.10
  1. Define data models: Create a models.rs file to define the data structures for users:
   #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
   pub struct User {
       user_id: i32,
       fullname: String,
       email: String,
  1. Implement database access (using PostgreSQL as an example):
   // Add `sqlx` and `postgres` dependencies to `Cargo.toml`
   cargo add sqlx postgres

   // Create a `db.rs` file for database operations
   use sqlx::{Connection, Pool};
   use crate::models::User;

   pub async fn get_user_data(pool: &Pool<Postgres>, user_id: i32) -> Option<User> {
       sqlx::query_as!(User, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = $1", user_id)

   pub async fn update_user(pool: &Pool<Postgres>, user: User) {
       sqlx::query!("UPDATE users SET fullname = $1, email = $2 WHERE user_id = $3", user.fullname, user.email, user.user_id)
  1. Create route handlers: Create a routes.rs file to define the API routes and handlers:
   use axum::{
       handler::{get, post},
   use crate::{db::*, models::User};

   pub async fn get_user_data_handler(Query(user_id): Query<i32>, pool: Extension<Pool<Postgres>>) -> Json<Option<User>> {
       let user = get_user_data(&pool, user_id).await;

   pub async fn update_user_handler(Json(user): Json<User>, pool: Extension<Pool<Postgres>>) {
       update_user(&pool, user).await;
  1. Register routes and start the server: Create a main.rs file to register routes and start the server:
   use axum::{
   use crate::routes::*;

   pub async fn run_server() {
       let pool = Pool::connect("postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/db")

       let app = http_router(

       let addr = std::net::SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap();
       println!("Starting server on {}", addr);
       Server::bind_and_run(addr, app).await.unwrap();
  1. Run the API:
   cargo run

The API will be running on http://localhost:8080. You can test the endpoints using tools like Postman or curl

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